The fritzbox has a permanent – non changeable – IP-address. With this address you can enter the configuration backend even if you have misconfigured the IP-settings. This IP is:
The fritzbox has a permanent – non changeable – IP-address. With this address you can enter the configuration backend even if you have misconfigured the IP-settings. This IP is:
In your terminal you can run the following command under MacOS $> sudo dscacheutil -flushcache $> # or $> sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
You can directly copy a database from one host to another host like this: $> mysqldump -u SOURCE_DB_user –password=SOURCE_DB_pass -h SOURCE_DB_HOST SOURCE_DB_name | mysql -u DB_user –password=DB_pass -h DB_host DB_name
$> mysql -h -u xxxxxxx -pxxxxxxx database < dump.sql or better: $> gunzip < backup-20120514151839.sql.gz | mysql -u xxxxx -pxxxxx database
To compromise (gzip) the output: Usefull Params –single-transaction –quick –opt Export al​l Databases Through an ssh tunnel