Default password Bananian Linux
The default credentials for Bananian Linux are: User: root Password: pi You should change the default password on first startup via: $> passwd root
The default credentials for Bananian Linux are: User: root Password: pi You should change the default password on first startup via: $> passwd root
The default password for the default user pi on a Raspbian operating system is raspberry. You should change it to a secure password on first connect via ssh. Therefore you can use: $> sudo passwd pi
You know the problem when trying to get just one file or folder out of your GIT repository? For example if you had a repository for all your Magento modules you’ve written, you might  want to extract only one of them to a new project. Sure  you can use subtree but sometimes you only want to get […]
Plesk changes the root user name to admin and stores the corresponding password in /etc/psa/.psa.shadow. The value inside this file looks really strange – like an encrypted key or hash. But that’s really your password for the admin user! If you’re lazy – like me – you can login as admin like that: $> mysql -uadmin […]
In Parallels Plesk 9.x, 10.x and 11.x for Linux (in this case CentOS 6.6) there is a bug. You can not authenticate via ssh key or add one f.e. with: $> ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/ Thats why you have to do this: Edit ssh deamon configuration: $> sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config Add the following line: AuthorizedKeysFile […]
Lets imagine you had a .htaccess authentication like that: AuthUserFile /var/www/vhosts/ AuthGroupFile /dev/null AuthName “Sheldons Secret” AuthType Basic <Limit GET> require valid-user </Limit> … and a corresponding password file, you can deactivate the password prompt on 31.12.2014 at 23:59 automatically with this crontab entry: # remove htaccess password protection on 31.12.2014 MAILTO = 59 […]
Sometimes it is useful to add some fields to the attribute main table (f.e.: IDs from external systems like a middleware or a PIM). In the following example you can see how to add ID-fields to the category entity. Therefore I created a setupscript as an instance of Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Setup. Setup-model declaration in config.xml: <?xml version=”1.0″?> […]
<?php /** * * String helper class * */ abstract class Sheldon_Misc_String_Helper { /** * @param $sStr – String to clean * * @return string clean string * */ static function cleanWhitespaces( $sStr ) { if ( ! empty( $sStr ) ) { return preg_replace(‘/\s+/’, ”, $sStr ); } return $sStr; } /** * reverse […]
To get a CSV export of all image files with name, last access date, last change date, last modification date and filesize in byte in a folder including all subfolders, you can use this linux command: $> find . -regex “.*\.\(jpg\|gif\|png\|jpeg\)” -type f -printf “%p,%AY-%Am-%AdT%AT,%CY-%Cm-%CdT%CT,%TY-%Tm-%TdT%TT,%s\n” > filestat_data_20141201.csv or separated by tabs: $> find . -regex […]