Get stores last order increment ids

This can be done by the following database query: SELECT cs.store_id, AS group_name, AS website_name, AS store_name, increment_last_id AS last_increment_id, entity_type_code AS entity_code FROM eav_entity_store AS ees INNER JOIN eav_entity_type AS eet ON eet.entity_type_id = ees.entity_type_id INNER JOIN core_store AS cs ON cs.store_id = ees.store_id INNER JOIN core_store_group AS csg ON csg.group_id […]

Increment order increment ids for all stores

The following query increments the last increment ids for all store by 100: UPDATE eav_entity_store AS ees INNER JOIN eav_entity_type AS eet ON eet.entity_type_id = ees.entity_type_id SET ees.increment_last_id = ees.increment_last_id + 100 WHERE eet.entity_type_code=’order’; The actual values for each store can be queried as shown in Get stores last order increment ids.