Find and eliminate dead parent connections

Recently I had the strange problem. In an old Magento installation there where many simple products connected to parent-ids that didn’t exist anymore. Normally that should’t be possible because of foreign key constraints in MySQL but  in fact they where there. Perhaps there was a bug in an importer script or foreign key checks where […]

Simulate a MySQL query before running it

It is possible to Simulate a MySQL query before running it with the use of  MySQL-Transactions and the build in ROLLBACK-Feature of MySQL: For example: START TRANSACTION; SELECT * FROM nicetable WHERE somthing=1; UPDATE nicetable SET nicefield=’VALUE’ WHERE somthing=1; SELECT * FROM nicetable WHERE somthing=1; #check COMMIT; # or if you want to reset changes ROLLBACK; […]

Force HTTPS for the whole store

Since Magento 1.9.1 you can force HTTPS for the whole shop by adding the following configuration-snipped to /app/etc/config.xml or any module config.xml (own module!!!): <frontend> <secure_url> <all>/</all> </secure_url> </frontend> After cleaning the config cache, Magento should generate secure URLs everywhere. That’s how to force secure URL’s in Magento.

Redirect all requests to the a preferred domain

In many cases a website or web application should be accessible by multiple domains.  The Problem is, that google could treat that as duplicated content ( and also the trust is divided between all domains.  That’s why google suggests to choose a preferred (canonical) destination URL and to redirect all requests to the a preferred domain ( To achieve that, […]

Get all saleable simple products from configurable product

The following function just gets all saleable (if saleable check is enabled in the Magento configuration) child products from a configurable product: /** * Get saleable simple products from configurable parent product * * @var Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type_Configurable $oParentProduct * @return array of Mage_Catalog_Model_Product(Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type_Simple) */ public function getAllowedProducts($oParentProduct) { $aProducts = []; $bSkipSaleableCheck = Mage::helper(‘catalog/product’)->getSkipSaleableCheck(); $oAllProducts = […]