Apache directory listing
It is possible to let the webserver deliver a list of all files for a directory whenever a user navigates to it in the browser and there is no index file (f.e. index.html). The following Apache directory listing settings can achieve this behavior via entries in a .htaccess-file placed into the respective target folder.
Options +Indexes # or IndexIgnore *
If the user points to a directory where the directory listing is disabled and which have no index-file, he will get an 403 error.
Options -Indexes
Add additional information
To include file icons, file size, modification date and more information as well as sorting column headers:
IndexOptions +FancyIndexing
And you can disable fancy directory indexes via:
IndexOptions -FancyIndexing
Ignore files
To hide chosen files or file types in the directory index, you could use the following line (* wildcards are supported):
IndexIgnore *.zip *.txt
Change index filetype
You can force the apache to deliver another index-file than the standard one (index.html) by using the following snippet:
DirectoryIndex Home.html
One can also put a fallback order:
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.htm