To get Mailcatcher ( running under PuPHPet-based Vagrant ( I had to implement the following shell script in puphpet/files/startup-always/
#!/bin/sh sed -i "s/^sendmail_path=\/usr\/local\/rvm\/wrappers\/default\/catchmail -f$/sendmail_path=\/usr\/local\/rvm\/wrappers\/default\/catchmail -f" /etc/php.d/zzzz_custom.ini echo "SET sendmail_path"
The script adds a value to the -f param and that fixes the issue, that no mails are collected by mailcatcher.
- Vagrant: 1.6.2
- Puppet: 3.4.3
- OS: CentOS 6.5 (Final) / Debian 3.2.65-1 / Ubuntu 12.04
Meanwhile I found a much easier to install replacement for Mailcatcher called MailHog (see