All tricks round about samba fileserver goes here.
Print Status:
$> smbstatus -L
Add User
Steps to add a new samba user:
add Linux-User(m creates a homedirs under /home/):
$> useradd abrandt -d /home/abrandt -c "Annika Brandt" -G users -g users -m
set Password:
$> passwd abrandt
set Samba-Password
$> smbpasswd -a abrandt
Samba reload
$> service smbd restart
$> service smb restart
/etc/init.d/smb reload
Add user to group
Add new User to an existing group
$> useradd -G {group-name} username
or if user exists:
$> usermod -G {group-name} username
If you just want to add a user to a secondary group use the -a parameter.
User löschen
$> userdel -r username