To install Rasbian on a SD-Card you have to follow these Steps
- Format SD-Card Fat32 (f.e. with GParted
- Download Raspbian (or any other operation system) from
- Extract the downloaded zip-file
- Find out what is the devicepath of your SD-Card (you can use the df-command or get a list of partitions via linux-list-of-partitions)
- Execute the following command
$> dd bs=4M if=2014-09-09-wheezy-raspbian.img of=/dev/sdd
– bs – the blocksize -> if 4M doesn’t work, use 1M
– if – input file -> path to downloaded and extracted image
– of – output file – the devicepath to your SD-CardIf you want to see any progress information you can use dcfldd instead!
- Run sync to flush the cache
- Remove card and hav fun with your new Raspbian