Xubuntu – Fix black screen after wakeup from suspend mode

On Xubuntu 14.04.3 LTS I got a black screen after wakeup the machine from suspend mode. This didn’t happen all the time. It was more of a sporadic phenomenon happening after entering the credentials to unlock the machine. Under these circumstances the screen got black and the machine didn’t react on any actions any more. I could got to […]

Find duplicate entries in a MySQL Table

You can use the following query to get all duplicated records of a MySQL table having equal values for the respective field: SELECT fieldname, COUNT(*) FROM tablename GROUP BY fieldname HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 This query will give you a list of all the entries having the same value for fieldname. It also will show […]

Build a website crawler using Scrapy Framework

Before a while I discovered the website crawling framework Scrapy as mentioned in my earlier post Nice Python website crawler framework. Now I wrote a little website crawler using this genius framework. Here are the steps I’ve taken to get my blog https://www.ask-sheldon.com crawled: Installation of Scrapy Install Python package management system (pip): $> sudo apt-get install […]

Deleting multiple lines with nano

That’s not as easy as you might think with nano. Mainly because of the stage keystroke-philosophy of nano. Here is the way I cut out multiple lines, whole paragraphs or also huge text blocks with nano (Xubuntu 14.04, MacOS X 10.9.5). Open file in nano: $> nano -c textFileToEdit.txt -c shows line-numbers. Alternatively you can press […]

Run dnsmasq as a local DNS Server (Arch Linux)

Dnsmasq is a very handy and easy to install DNS / DHCP server implementation, that uses the local hosts file to determine hostname to IP mappings. I use a local DNS to be able to call my local machines by a memorable domain instead of their IP. Additionally dnsmasq works as an DNS Cache. Installation of dnsmasq […]

Change shell keymap for Arch Linux or Ubuntu (Debian)

To switch you shells keymap on Arch Linux or Ubuntu to another language you can use localectl. You can print the actual settings with the following command: $> localectl status To get a list of possible keymaps use: $> localectl list-keymaps And finally you can set the respective keymap with (de-QUERZ layout in this example): $> […]

Get table or DB size im Megabyte

Sometimes it is really useful to know how large a certain database table has become. With the following SQL statement you get a list of all tables of the currently connected database with their rounded size in MB: SELECT table_name AS “Table”, round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) “Size in MB” FROM information_schema.TABLES […]