Get stores last order increment ids

This can be done by the following database query: SELECT cs.store_id, AS group_name, AS website_name, AS store_name, increment_last_id AS last_increment_id, entity_type_code AS entity_code FROM eav_entity_store AS ees INNER JOIN eav_entity_type AS eet ON eet.entity_type_id = ees.entity_type_id INNER JOIN core_store AS cs ON cs.store_id = ees.store_id INNER JOIN core_store_group AS csg ON csg.group_id […]

Increment order increment ids for all stores

The following query increments the last increment ids for all store by 100: UPDATE eav_entity_store AS ees INNER JOIN eav_entity_type AS eet ON eet.entity_type_id = ees.entity_type_id SET ees.increment_last_id = ees.increment_last_id + 100 WHERE eet.entity_type_code=’order’; The actual values for each store can be queried as shown in Get stores last order increment ids.

Install CMS pages with your module

You can do this as shown in the following example of a Magento data setup script: <?php /* @var $installer Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Setup */ $oInstaller = $this; $oInstaller->startSetup(); $aCmsPages = [ [ ‘title’ => ‘FAQ’, ‘root_template’ => ‘two_columns_left’, ‘meta_keywords’ => ‘FAQ’, ‘meta_description’ => ‘FAQ’, ‘identifier’ => ‘faq’, ‘is_active’ => 1, ‘stores’ => 0, ‘sort_order’ => 0, ‘content_heading’ => […]

Install CMS blocks with your module

You can do this as shown in the following example: <?php /* @var $installer Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Setup */ $oInstaller = $this; $oInstaller->startSetup(); $oCmsBlocks = [ [ ‘title’ => ‘Footer bar for benefits’, ‘identifier’ => ‘footer-bar’, ‘content’ => <<<HTML <ul> <li>Shop Benefit 1</li> <li>Shop Benefit 2</li> <li>Shop Benefit 3</li> <li>Shop Benefit 4</li> <li>Customer Service (D): <a href=”tel:08008828838″ class=”tel”>0800 […]

No category tree in Magento backend

Perhaps you now the problem shown below. The category tree of the products isn’t rendered correctly. That’s because I don’t set level and children_count during import of categories. This little script corrects this for me: UPDATE catalog_category_entity SET level = (SELECT LENGTH(path)-LENGTH(REPLACE(path,’/’,”)) AS tmpl FROM (SELECT * FROM catalog_category_entity) AS table1 WHERE catalog_category_entity.entity_id = table1.entity_id); UPDATE […]

Die Macht der Massenmedien
-Propaganda im Dritten Reich-

Die folgende Arbeit, welche ich während meines Studiums geschrieben habe, analysiert die gezielte Ausnutzung der, zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus vorhandenen, Massenmedien. Dabei wird vor allem auf die medienpsychologischen Aspekte aber auch auf die historischen Hintergründe eingegangen. Es wird gezeigt, wie wichtig freie Medien aber vor allem auch ein kritischer Umgang mit diesen ist. Die Veröffentlichung […]