Cleanup Ubuntu

In the last time I had the problem, that my system became very slow and wasn’t usable anymore. Here are the steps I’ve taken to get rid of this problem: Cleanup old packages in the terminal: $> sudo synaptic got to  Settings -> Preferences -> Files activate the bullet point Delete downloaded files after installation under Temporary […]

Install community channel

Sometimes it is necessary to install the community channel manually. F.e. in EE. I got the following error massage in the Magento-Connect-Manager shell when I tried to install a package via “Direct package file upload”: CONNECT ERROR: The ‘community’ channel is not installed. Please use the MAGE shell script to install the ‘community’ channel. What […]

Add Additional configuration areas

Sometimes it’s necessary to add some custom areas / keys to the Typo3 configuration ($GLOBALS[‘TYPO3_CONF_VARS’]). In my case I needed some auth-data for a Magento / Typo3 crossover in a curl call. The problem is: If you made manual changes in the typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php , after a configuration save over the install tool, all changes will be […]

Fix problems with PHPStorm’s missing code completion and inspection

From time to time PHPStorm’s code completion stops working correctly (v 7.1.x). You’ll get no more hints and error positions will keep their marking although you fixed them. The solution in to run “File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart …“. After that, the IDE restarts and everything will work great again.  

Get all Root-Category-IDs of all stores

This snippet gives you all entity_id’s of all Root-IDs of the Magento instance: /** * @return array Root-IDs of all stores */ public function getAllRootIds(){# $aRootIds = array(); $aRootIds[Mage_Catalog_Model_Category::TREE_ROOT_ID] = Mage_Catalog_Model_Category::TREE_ROOT_ID; $aAllStores = Mage::app()->getStores(); foreach ($aAllStores as $iID => $store){ $rootID = $store->getRootCategoryId(); $aRootIds[$rootID]=$rootID; } return array_keys($aRootIds); }  

Error cause by DEFINER in MySQL-dumps

When importing MySQL- dumps of a Magento database sometimes you get an error message like that (although you can connect to the database via shell f.e.): ERROR 1044 (42000) at line 592: Access denied for user ‘sheldon’@’localhost’ to database ‘magento’ In these cases you’ ll recognize that the user, who tries to connect, is wrong […]