Tunnel MySQL through SSH

Recently I had the challenge, that the MySQL database of one of the Magento shops I maintain wasn’t accessible directly through the Net. The access was restricted to the Webserver only. So I had to tunnel MySQL through SSH. And that worked like that: edit the ssh config (~/.ssh/config) on the remote Webserver Host * […]

Generate a TOC for Markdown (Bitbucket, Git or Gitlab)

This tiny tutorial shows, how to generate a TOC for Markdown with the help of a tiny npm package called doctoc in just a few seconds. Since a while I write down the most important facts about a project or an module to the README.md file of the corresponding GIT repository. That’s good to  keep […]

Docker cheat sheet to handle the Docker universe

Before a while I got in touch with the wonderful world of the Docker (see https://www.docker.com) cosmos. I think it is one of the most important virtualisation technology at the moment. On this page I will just collect useful commands that helped me a lot in my daily work with Docker, Docker-Compose (https://docs.docker.com/compose/) and other stack […]

Magento: change applied attribute product types

Sometimes it is necessary to change the product type(s) an attribute is applied to in Magento. A common example is, that you designed and implemented an attribute for a configurable product, because you thought its real world value is equal over all child manifestations. But after a while you realize, that there are differences that you […]

Mount ssh filesystems under Linux or how I mounted my webspace into my root server

Today I had to mount a ssh filesystem under Linux. The reason was, that I had the perception that I would be a very cool idea, to use my old webspace package from all-inkl.com, that I only kept because of the 10 included domains, as a backup storage for my root server.The plan was to […]

Split webm files into chunks on Linux

Today I had to split webm files into chunks on Linux.  The reason was, that I recorded  a screencast for a documentary. Therefore I used the Nimbus Chrome Browser Plugin (https://nimbus.everhelper.me/screenshot.php). The problem was, that the resulting video files in webm format were much to big to upload them to our Confluence Wiki. That’s why […]

GIT – reconnect remote branch

Sometimes it is necessary to remap a local git  branch to a remote one (reconnect remote branch). For me it was the case, because I accidentally removed all origins in a multi-origin setup. Hence I got the following error message when trying to pull without naming remote and branch, although I re-added and fetched all […]

Save The Day for Magento Functional Testing Framework Webinar

Yes! A new webinar about the new release of the Magento Functional Testing Framework for Magento2 is coming up. So you should register yourself right now, save the date and join the session on Tuesday, February 27, 2018 – 6:00 p.m. (Europe/Berlin). Further information can be found here: https://magento.com/resources/magento-functional-testing-framework