Save The Day for Magento Functional Testing Framework Webinar

Yes! A new webinar about the new release of the Magento Functional Testing Framework for Magento2 is coming up. So you should register yourself right now, save the date and join the session on Tuesday, February 27, 2018 – 6:00 p.m. (Europe/Berlin). Further information can be found here:

Magento “Invalid website id requested.” error in backend on product save

Today I got a error in the Magento  backend telling me, that I have requested an invalid website_id (Invalid website id requested.), when I tried to save a product. The problem was, that I had deleted unused websites and stores over the Magento backend. Unfortunately Magento seemed to keep the relation between website and product, although […]

Disable autoformat in IntelliJ / PHPStorm

When using IntelliJ or PHPStorm as IDE, I use the autoformat for code (Code -> Reformat Code or Ctrl+Alt+L). It works great. But in some cases I need to disable autoformat for some parts of the code. This is how you can disable autoformat in your code: // @formatter:off echo ‘HERE COMES A LOT’ . ‘ […]