Reset Google Authenticator for Synology Diskstation

Today I had to reset Google Authenticator two step authentication for Synology Diskstation. I realised, that I wasn’t able to login into my Synology DS 212+ anymore. The problem was, that my mobile phone had crashed before a view months and I had configured the Synology NAS to use the Google Authenticator  for a two step […]

Mount ISO file under Ubuntu Linux

Today I had the challenge, that I wanted to copy a DVD and  play it with the VLC media player ( Therefore I had to learn how to mount iso file(s) under Linux. In my case it was Ubuntu 16.04.1. (see also my article about how to get your Linux distribution and version). How to […]

Custom install path for composer package

Recently I had to build a custom Composer package that had to be installed to a custom install path inside of the target application. But the install path should have been only different for this single package. All other Composer packages had to be installed unter the vendor folder furthermore. Requirements I had the following requirements […]

No space left on device under Ubuntu Linux

Today I had problems (“No space left on device” errors) during a system upgrade of Ubuntu Linux. There where error messages telling me the boot Partition is full: update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-47-generic gzip: stdout: No space left on device That’s why I had to find out, whats in this boot folder. $> ls -al /boot -rw-r–r– […]

Search query: list files containing a certain term

To get a list of files that contain a certain term for the current directory you can use this command to find the search query: $> grep -lr SEARCHTERM This shell command searches the current directory recursively (-r) and lists (-l) all files containing the search query SEARCHTERM. SEARCHTERM can also be a regular expression. Example result: […]

AWS reinitialize Elastic Beanstalk environment

To initialize a Amazon Webservice Elastic Beanstalk environment you generally use the command: $> eb init But sometimes you need to reinitialize the environment, because you made a mistake or want to change the programming language or AWS region of the connected environment. In these cases you can reinitialize Elastic Beanstalk Environment by the -i parameter: $> […]

PHP version paths under Plesk ODIN

The different PHP versions unter Plesk ODIN are situated in /opt/plesk/php/. So the PHP paths are for example:  /opt/plesk/php/5.2/bin/php /opt/plesk/php/5.3/bin/php /opt/plesk/php/5.4/bin/php /opt/plesk/php/5.5/bin/php /opt/plesk/php/5.6/bin/php /opt/plesk/php/7.0/bin/php Which PHP versions are available depends on the versions installed. You can see your installed versions under in the Plesk backend.

Plesk – move aliases to different domain

If you have read my article Plesk – get information about aliases you already know how to determine the aliases in the system. To get a list of configured domains, you can use the following query after connecting to the Plesk database via key: mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` psa mysql> select * from domains; This will give […]

Plesk – get information about aliases

To get a list of all existing aliases defined for the respective system, you can connect to the MySQL database of Plesk as admin via key file: $> mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` psa Afterwards you can get a list of all aliases by the following select statement: select * from domain_aliases; This will give you something […]