Run a DynDNS client under Raspbian

For a home automation project I have to setup a local DynDNS client on my Banana Pi running with Raspian. Here are the steps I’ve taken to run a DynDNS client under Raspbian (will work on other Debian based Linux distributions too):

  1. Install ddclient package:
    $>sudo apt-get install ddclient

    This command installs the package and starts the DynDNS configuration wizard.

  2. Select a DynDNS service provider.Run a DynDNS client under Raspbian - Service providerIn my case I had to select “other” because I wanted to use the DynDNS service of my webspace provider
  3. Enter DynDNS server that should regularly get the IP:Run a DynDNS client under Raspbian - DynDNS Server
  4. Select which DynDNS protocol should be used:Run a DynDNS client under Raspbian - DynDNS Protocol
  5. Configure username (provided by your DynDNS service provider):
    Run a DynDNS client under Raspbian - Username
  6. Configure password (provided by your DynDNS service provider):
    Run a DynDNS client under Raspbian - Password
  7. Select the interface to determine the IP address (eth0 in my case):
    Run a DynDNS client under Raspbian - Interface
    I had to change this setting afterwards because I’am behind a router. That’s why the local IP of my Pi was delivered to all-inkl’s DynDNS server. (see steps 12 +)
  8. Enter FQDNs (fully qualified domain names) under which your client should be accessible:
    Run a DynDNS client under Raspbian - FQDN
  9. Disable PPP (see
    Run a DynDNS client under Raspbian - PPP Connection
  10. Enable ddclient daemon (launch ddclient on every startup):
    Run a DynDNS client under Raspbian - Daemon mode
  11. Set update delay (time between IP delivery in seconds):
  12. Run a test:
    $> sudo ddclient -daemon=0 -debug -verbose -noquiet 2 /etc/ddclient.conf

    This gave me the following result (last line):

    SUCCESS: skipped: IP address was already set to

    As you can see the client sent the local IP address to my DynDNS service instead of my public IP I got from my ISP. The reason is, that my Pi isn’t connected directly to the internet but to a router that gets the IP.
    Thats why we have to tell ddclient to use an external service like to determine the public IP.
    Therefore you just have to continue this guide 😀

  13. Open the ddclient configuration file/etc/ddclient.conf:
    $> sudo nano /etc/ddclient.conf

    It should look like this:

    # Configuration file for ddclient generated by debconf
    # /etc/ddclient.conf
    use=if, if=eth0
  14. Change use=if, if=eth0 to use=web,
  15. Run the test again:
    $> sudo ddclient -daemon=0 -debug -verbose -noquiet 2 /etc/ddclient.conf

    This time the result should look different (ddclient got the public IP instead of the local one):

    SUCCESS: updating good: IP address set to
  16. Reboot system (optional but recommended to test daemon startup):
    $> sudo reboot

If you have misconfigured the ddclient, you get another try with:

$> sudo dpkg-reconfigure ddclient

Or you just can change the configuration file /etc/ddclient.conf.


2 thoughts on “Run a DynDNS client under Raspbian

  1. Warning: As of ddclient 3.8.2 the configuration is sensitive to single quotes and would treat those in password=’NICEANDVERYSECRETPW’ as part of the password.

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