Find and shorten file and folder names with a certain length

Recently, I restructured my Synology NAS and encrypted all backup shared folders using AES-256 encryption. Therefore I had to find and shorten all files and folders with a certain character length. In general the activation of shared folder encryption is straightforward: Once encrypted, your data will be protected. However, there is a limitation on the […]

Create a bcrypt hash on commandline

Its easy to create a bcrypt hash  on commandline with this command: $> htpasswd -nbBC 10 USER PASSWORD Just replace the Placeholder USER and PASSWORD with the corresponding values. The Result should be something like that: USER:$2y$10$gfPbhclOrdjmMLEXSc5CTOWP5aBfjl59hhGvjp/qWXf1FfbQKb5ca The part before “:” is the username. The rest is the bcrypt password hash. The -C parameter specifies […]

Get the currently installed Java version and vendor on Ubuntu / Debian Linux

Today I had to  figure out the Java version installed on my machine while digging through some problems with my IntelliJ IDE. This is how you can get the currently installed Java version and vendor on Ubuntu or other Debian derivatives on bash. $> sysinfo That gives you something like that: Java Version: 1.8.0_131 Java […]

Homefolder permissions bug ISPConfig

Today I ran into a still open bug of ISPConfig (ISPConfig 3.1.3 under Debian Jessie). The problem occurred, when I tried to clone a BitBucket repository with a non root SSH-user in his own website root (where permission rights generally should be no problem). Hence I wanted to use key-based authentication for BitBucket, I generated […]

Setup monit behind Apache proxy under ISPConfig

Today I wanted to setup monit behind Apache proxy on my webserver, which runs ISPConfig ( under Debian. Monit is a OpenSource monitoring tool for Linux (see Requirements I had the following requirements on the solution: monit should only be accessible from the server itself (localhost) monit should run under a special SSL-secured URL (not IP:PORT as […]

Mount ISO file under Ubuntu Linux

Today I had the challenge, that I wanted to copy a DVD and  play it with the VLC media player ( Therefore I had to learn how to mount iso file(s) under Linux. In my case it was Ubuntu 16.04.1. (see also my article about how to get your Linux distribution and version). How to […]

No space left on device under Ubuntu Linux

Today I had problems (“No space left on device” errors) during a system upgrade of Ubuntu Linux. There where error messages telling me the boot Partition is full: update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-47-generic gzip: stdout: No space left on device That’s why I had to find out, whats in this boot folder. $> ls -al /boot -rw-r–r– […]