SFTP connection via keyfile
You can connect to an SFTPÂ server via keyfile like that: $> sftp -v -o IdentityFile=”/PATH/TO/PUBLICKEYFILE(id_rsa)” -o Port=”10022″ user@host
You can connect to an SFTPÂ server via keyfile like that: $> sftp -v -o IdentityFile=”/PATH/TO/PUBLICKEYFILE(id_rsa)” -o Port=”10022″ user@host
You can download files protected by Basic Htaccess Auth via wget like that: $> wget –http-user=USERNAME –http-password=PASSWORD http://nice.file.url Or via curl like that: $> curl -u USER:PASSWORD http://www.caplantic.de
To upload a file on the shell via FTP (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_Transfer_Protocol) you can use the wput command. Therefor you have to install it with your systems package manager (aptitude in this example): $> sudo apt-get install wput Now you can upload files like that: $> wput loacalfiletoupload ftp://user:password@host/path/to/target/on/remote/host Attention: The target path have to be relative to […]