GIT – reconnect remote branch

Sometimes it is necessary to remap a local git  branch to a remote one (reconnect remote branch). For me it was the case, because I accidentally removed all origins in a multi-origin setup. Hence I got the following error message when trying to pull without naming remote and branch, although I re-added and fetched all […]

Disable touchpad under Ubuntu

This little tutorial shows, how to disable touchpad under Ubuntu (v. 16.04) permanently. The reason is, that I generally use only the red trackpoint of my Lenovo T530 as a pointing device. I don’t need a touchpad anyway. But when working with the trackpoint, I accidentally touch the touchpad with my thumbs many times. That […]

Plesk – regain access to the admin panel via shell

Today I had to regain access to the admin panel of one of my root servers that uses Plesk as administrative panel. I had configured a IP restriction for the panel under Tools and Settings > Restrict Administrative Access. The problem was, that I wanted to access the machine from outside of the company network (my […]

Homefolder permissions bug ISPConfig

Today I ran into a still open bug of ISPConfig (ISPConfig 3.1.3 under Debian Jessie). The problem occurred, when I tried to clone a BitBucket repository with a non root SSH-user in his own website root (where permission rights generally should be no problem). Hence I wanted to use key-based authentication for BitBucket, I generated […]

Setup monit behind Apache proxy under ISPConfig

Today I wanted to setup monit behind Apache proxy on my webserver, which runs ISPConfig ( under Debian. Monit is a OpenSource monitoring tool for Linux (see Requirements I had the following requirements on the solution: monit should only be accessible from the server itself (localhost) monit should run under a special SSL-secured URL (not IP:PORT as […]