“Could not resolve host” error

If you get this error message when trying to update the system (see example below) or just pinging an external host … $> sudo pacman -Syu :: Synchronizing package databases… error: failed retrieving file ‘core.db’ from mirror.archlinuxarm.org : Could not resolve host: mirror.archlinuxarm.org error: failed to update core (download library error) error: failed retrieving file ‘extra.db’ […]

Recover lost images from SD/MMC cards

A very nice and really working recovery tool is  PhotoRec. It’s a very cool commandline tool for Linux which is able to recover all images on a SD or MMC card that have been deleted accidentally. In my case my fingers where faster than my brain and so I had kicked three rally awesome images :-/. […]

Setup an static IP on Arch Linux

Setup an static IP on Arch Linux can be done by placing a config file in /etc/netctl/: $> sudo nano eth0-Valhalla As you can see, you have to install sudo first. Otherwise you have to switch to root user (su). In the file you have to place the following lines for example: Description=’Valhalla at home eth0′ […]

Wifi setup on Arch Linux

The following steps are showing how I did setup my wireless connection with an static IP on my ArchLinux driven RaspberryPi. You need to have installed sudo to uses this instructions: Update all packages: $> sudo pacman -Syu Install dialog package: $> sudo pacman -S dialog Install wpa_supplicant package $> sudo pacman -S wpa_supplicant Run wifi-menu: […]

Download password protected file over shell

Therefore we use wget: wget -O outputfile.txt –user sheldon –ask-password https://ask-sheldon.com/genius-stuff.html # f.e. REST wget –http-user USER –http-password PASSWOR http://ask-sheldon.com/import.txt # HTACCESS protection If you let -O param out the output will be stored under its original name.

Get MAC address from file system

On Debian based Linux distributions you can get the MAC address of the respective network adapter from the filesystem like shown below: $> cat /sys/class/net/wlan0/address # WLAN adapter $> 81:82:83:4:85:86 $> cat /sys/class/net/eth0/address # LAN adapter $> 1a:1b:1c:1d:1e:1f As you can see, all adapters have their own folder under  /sys/class/net/ that contains  a address file with the corresponding MAC […]