
There are conditional commands for MySQL too. IF/ELSE SELECT FieldA as A, FieldB as B, IF(FieldA = FieldB, ‘equal’, ‘not equal’) as condition, FROM table WHERE this LIKE that Or cascaded: SELECT FieldA as A, FieldB as B, IF(FieldA = FieldB,’FieldA is equal to FieldB’,IF(FieldC = FieldD,’FieldC is equal to FieldD’,’all false’)) as output, FROM […]

Useful database queries

Move products to an another category UPDATE db220385_2.catalog_category_product SET category_id = 18 WHERE category_id = 19; Get all attribute option values The following example shows, how to get all available values for the attribute filter_stores SELECT ea.attribute_code, eao.option_id, eaov.store_id, eaov.value_id, eaov.value FROM eav_attribute AS ea INNER JOIN eav_attribute_option AS eao ON ea.attribute_id = eao.attribute_id INNER […]